Petr Písařík’s work is represented by paintings and sculpture. Both of these components are represented in the current exhibition as well as in the original installation aspiring for exhibition of the year. The artist’s paintings oscillate between the characteristics of pictorial expression and an abstract one. While the artist’s earlier paintings came out of the fashion world and brand names, his current work has dialed down on the shine and the distinct colors are, in some cases, muted. In turn, the objects continue to emanate a tension between the elegance of contemporary design and rawness of the materials used along with reshaped found objects. In their entirety the objects seem simultaneously soft and brutal, destructive and elegant, often with a decadent air. Písařík introduces this exhibition with the motto, “They who are concerned with tomorrow today, are concerned with nothing. And those that bring nothing tomorrow from what they did today are not useful for the future. Today is the deed. We’ll recognize its value tomorrow. Let’s leave the past behind like a corpse. Let’s leave the future to the prophets. Me, I’m setting aside today for myself.”- From Antoine Pevsner’s letter to Naum Gab (Moscow 1920)