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2018  Petr Písařík. “Construction Game and Experimental Rules,” Gallery 207, 2018, 230-23.

2018  “I Feel Like a Mediator,” (Interview with Petr Písařík), Art + Antiques, 10, 2018/10/10, 30-40.

2012 “A Window into the Whole,” Ateliér, art biweekly, 25, 10, 2012/05/17, 5.

2012  “Recycling,” Ateliér, art biweekly, 25, 3, 2012/02/09, 6.

2011  New Zlín Salon 2011 (“Recyclation, or Innovation? And for who exactly?”), Prostor Zlín, 18, 3, 2011, 3-5.

2011 “Light, shadow and dark,” Ateliér, art biweekly, 24, 7, 2011/04/07, 7

2010  “Perspectives of New Sculpture- the objects of Petr Písařík,” Jana Ševčíková and Jiří Ševčík, Texts, 2010, 548-549.

2010 “The Second Exit,” Jana Ševčíková and Jiří Ševčík, Texts, 2010, 246-253.

2010  “Therapy in a Serious Culture Situation,” Jana Ševčíková and Jiří Ševčík, Texts, 2010, 241-244.

2010  “A Contribution to Happiness,” Jana Ševčíková and Jiří Ševčík, Texts, 2010, 233-241.

2010  “Art After 1995,” Modern and Contemporary Czech Art 1890-2010, 2010, 168-187.

2009  “Petr Písařík Says About Himself…,” Prostor 2000: Generations 1989-2009,  2009, 80-85.

2004  “Ecology, the Czech Way,” Domov, 45, 8, 2004/07/19, 64-65.

2004  “Petr Písařík,” Painters ´03, 2004.

1995  “Petr Písařík,”  MXM Gallery, Prague, August 1995, Detail, 1, 1, 1995/10, 23.

1991 “A Contribution to Happiness,” Beitrag zum Glück / Příspěvek ke štěstí,1991.